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Pet Hotel & Spa
El hospedaje para las vacaciones de tu mejor amigo. Petite Resort nace de la necesidad de crear un lugar en el cual puedas dejar a tu mascota con la tranquilidad de que lo cuidarán como en casa. La filosofía principal de la marca se resume en una frase: “Your pet, our passion”, partiendo de la idea de que las personas que cuidarán a tus pequeños son expertos y profesionales apasionados por el bienestar de las mascotas.
Pet Hotel & Spa
The best accommodation for your best friend's vacation. Petite Resort was born from the need to create a place where you can leave your pet with the idea that they will be taken care of as if they were at home. The main philosophy of the brand is summarized in one sentence: “Your pet, our passion”, based on the idea that the people who will take care of your little one are experts and professionals who are passionate about the well-being of pets.
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